Soto Ayam Istimewa

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hari ni terasa nak makan benda yang berkuah & simple. So, I decide to cook Soto Ayam for our dinner tonight. Kalau korang2 pun terasa nak makan menu yang sama, korang leh follow resepi yg serba simple seperti dibawah ni... Selamat mencuba ..

Apa yang korang perlukan adalah:

1 ekor ayam (dipotong mengikut size yang anda suka)
Minyak untuk menumis
Garam & serbuk perasa
5 mangkuk air anggaran 6 liter
2 batang kayu manis (size sederhana)
2 kuntum bunga lawang

Bahan untuk dikisar:

2 biji bawang besar *
2 ulas bawang putih *
2 sudu besar jintan putih *
2 sudu besar jintan manis *
2 sudu besar biji ketumbar *

Cara2 nyer:

Tumiskan bahan2 yang dikisar + kayu manis & bunga lawang sehingga naik bau

masukkan air + ayam

masukkan garam + serbuk perasa

Cadangan Hidangan :
- Boleh dihidangkan bersama-sama nasi impit atau meehoon.
- Hiaskan bersama suhoon goreng, kacang goreng, begedil & sambal kicap.

Butter Prawn With Egg Floss recipe

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hiii ... how everybody today? Feeling good? Today I would like to share with you my favorite recipe .. which is, Butter Prawn With Egg Floss ..
To make this dishes you need to have is:
  • Big Prawn
  • Evaporate Milk
  • Beaten egg yolk - for the floss
  • Cut green chillies - for garnishing
  • Curry leaves - for garnishing
  • Butter - for frying
  • cooking oil
  • Salt
  • Sugar
Preparing this dishes is totally simple, just follow this steps below :
  1. Cook egg floss: Heat up wok. Add some butter, cooking oil and cook for a while. Pour in beaten egg yolk and stir it. Once it’s cooked (brown color), strain the oil and put in a plate. Set aside.
  2. Fry prawns: Add enough cooking oil in wok to fry prawns. When the oil is heated, add in prawns. After it’s cooked, set aside.
  3. Remove oil from wok. Add in some water, butter and cook until the butter melts. After that, add in green chilies, curry leaves, season it with some salt and sugar. Add in evaporated milk and cook for a while. Add in fried prawns and cook again.
  4. When it’s ready, put in a plate and top it with egg floss.
Simple rite!! Happy trying!!

Mr Bean - Cooking spaghetti

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Healthy Lifestyle

Eager to loss weights .. I have some tips that might help us to loss unnecessary stuff .. Check this out!!! In my own experience, weight loss is not simple, there goes the need for many healthy diet tips to suit and supplement your effort at best. hehhehee ..

Happy trying & good luck my friends ..
  1. Eat proportionately and organize your calorie intake wisely according to each meal that includes 3 main meals (breakfast/lunch/dinner) and two snacks in between.
  2. Remember, fasting alone will not help you lose weight. That’s the same goes for not eating the whole day but tend to enjoy dinner only everyday.
  3. Cut your favorite fruits in small pieces and substitute it with your unhealthy snacks. It’s best to have it handy and pre-prepared always.
  4. Don’t exceed your junk food intake. The best way is not to take at all, but if it seems little hard to do so you can always use small bowl for serving, and don’t ever have a second refill.
  5. If you fell under the bread lovers, opt for the healthier option - whole grains.
  6. Avoid food that has more than 10% of fat per serving. How to know? You will just have to read the food label.
  7. Try taking notes of what you eat in two weeks and see how you can improve your menu from time to time.
  8. Butter has higher fats than margarine, so take low saturated fat and low cholesterol margarine instead, such as vegetable oil based margarine.
  9. Bring a bottle of water (even the small one) whenever you go so that you can avoid getting dehydrated and lower your desire for sugar-loaded drinks.
  10. Get a partner to be on your healthy diet plan, so you can motivate and help each other out. But remember, it is best to keep it to only two, more people will bring risk to your plan’s successfulness.
  11. Identify your bad eating habits. If you like munching junks while in the car or on your way to the gym, substitute it with a better and healthier choice of snack.
  12. Drinks a LOT of plain water that includes mineral water as well.
  13. It is best not to overcook your vegetables because overcooking will make it lose its many nutrition's.
  14. Choose snacks that are low calorie with low fat contents too.
  15. When visiting the restaurant for a dine out or lunch, always go for the smallest portion available.
  16. Invest some of your money for a good juicer. This will give you the opportunity to make lots on your own and try various combination and fusions. It’s time to get a little crafty too.
  17. Don’t think it’s safe when it’s all salad on the plate. Beware of the amount of dressing and add-ons you’re taking such as mayonnaise, thousand island and cheese.
  18. Craving for some chocolate? Not a problem but only choose low fat dark chocolates.
  19. Choose boiled or steamed foods, non-oily soup based foods or grilled foods before you make a pick at those deep fried ones.
  20. Choose celery to be your loyal diet companion from now on. It’s low in calorie, high in fiber and full of nutrition's.

Beauty Food

There is no doubt that all of us want to look beautiful, slim and fit. One has to exercise sufficiently to look good. But it is important to eat the right kind of diet to look beautiful. There are a number of beauty foods that are healthy and help in enhancing your looks. Given below some foods that you can add to your diet if you want to look beautiful.

* Apple Cider Vinegar: This vinegar has a number of healing properties and it makes the skin soft and supple. Apple cider vinegar is concentrated with enzymes and these help peel off dead skin cells. It breaks down fat and helps food digest properly.
* Carrots: Help to maintain the outer layer of the skin to prevent premature aging. It works just like Retin A.
* Cheese: Make a slice or two of hard cheese a part of your diet. Cheese helps to prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth and prevents cavities. Choose between Swiss, cheddar or Gouda.
* Citrus Fruits: These fruits hold the skin cells together by forming collagen. Collagen cannot be added to the skin topically and hence fruits and juices must be made an integral part of your daily diet.
* Cranberries: These berries keep the urinary tract lining healthy.
* Garlic: Helps to combat wrinkles and restores tissues.
* Nonfat Yogurt: Is high is calcium and helps to keep your smile white and your teeth cavity-free.
* Sweet Potatoes: These potatoes are full of vitamin A and vitamin A is known for being an anti-wrinkling agent. The result of eating this vegetable is smoother skin.
* Tomatoes: This vegetable does wonders to your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium.
* Wheat Germ: To get rid of pimples efficiently include two or three tablespoons of wheat germ in your diet. You add this to your cereal, yogurt and cottage cheese.

Here are some general tips about a beauty diet:

* Vegetables: you should have three to five servings of vegetables daily. Include one serving of raw, leafy greens.
* Do not have more than three-ounce servings a day. Take off all the fat. Try to include two servings of turkey or chicken and a serving of fish a day is ideal.
* Fruits: Have two to three servings everyday. ½ cup of chopped or sliced fruit is one serving.
* Dairy: Have at least two servings daily. One serving is eight ounces of milk or yogurt.
* Fats: Salad dressing, cooking oil, butter and mayonnaise should be limited to two servings a day.

Eat these foods for beauty and follow the beauty diet and you will notice that over a short period of time you are looking better than you did before.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Plain soup stock:
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 4 litres anchovies or chicken
  • 2 stalks spring onion

  • 1 tbsp salt
  • Dash of pepper
  • 2 tbsp nampla (fish sauce)
  • Ingredients:
  • 250g deboned chicken fillet, cut into thick slices
  • 250g fish fillet (red snapper, garoupa or pomfret)
  • 600g mud crabs, halved
  • 500g large prawns, keep shells intact
  • 300g squid, clean and cut into thick round slices
  • 300g cuttlefish, cut into thick slices
  • 200g abalone mushrooms
  • 200g button mushrooms
  • 2 packet of Enoki mushrooms
  • 150g fish balls
  • 2 pieces soft beancurd, cut into big cubes
  • 1 packet Japanese tofu, slice into thick rounds
  • 150g Chinese white cabbage (wong nga pak)
  • 150g red carrots, cut into desired shapes
  • 200g fresh wantan noodles, scald

  • How to prepare:

    If you do not have a proper steamboat, any pot will do. Use an electric or gas stove. Otherwise, even a rice cooker can do the job.

    Scoop out the soup stock and put into the steamboat. Let it boil and start cooking the food.

    Usually, at the end of the cooking, add in noodles like yellow noodles/green pea vermicelli or beehoon. By now, the steamboat soup will be rather salty but tasty. Knock in eggs to cook with the noodles.

    Serve the steamboat with cut spring onions, chilies, soya sauce, chillie sauce and garlic oil.

    Ayam Masak Lomak Cili Padi

    Bahan2 nyer:
    6 ketul ayam (yg dah siap potong)
    3 biji kentang (size sederhana - di belah dua)
    1 sudu teh kunyit serbuk
    2 helai daun kunyit

    2 kotak santan

    bahan untuk ditumbuk/blend: 2-3 ulas bawang merah
    1 ulas bawang putih
    12 batang cili padi
    2 batang serai (dititik/ditumbuk separa lumat)

    1. Tumis bahan yg dikisar dlm myk sampai naik bau

    2. masukkan serai yg sudah di titik

    3. kacau sampai sebati

    4. masukkan ayam dan gaul

    5. masukkan santan

    6. kacau & tunggu sehingga mendidih

    7. apabila ayam hampir lembut, masukkan kentang dan daun kunyit

    8. masukkan garam secukup rasa

    9. tunggu hingga ayam masak untuk jangkaan 20mins atas api yg sederhana besar

    Cadangan Hidangan: hidangkan panas-panas bersama nasi panas

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